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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bloggus Interuptus...

Again Suddenlink screws my internet .  I'll probably get another comment from Ashely from Suddenlink telling me to email her about the problem.  Why?  I've already wasted huge amounts of time on the phone talking to the "techs" & I use that word lightly.

For the last 3 weeks, my net has been theoretical at best.  Everyday, for the past 3 days, about noontime the net has dropped out.  It's frustrating.  This is my main source of communication, entertainment, shopping, etc.. These jerks can't even keep their net up.

I go their Facebook page & they're bragging about bringing 50 MPS going up in Abilene, TX.  Well that's just bloody damn awesome if you live in Abilene.  If you live in podunk Oklahoma they can't even keep 3MPS up & running.  Then when you have to call in to their support service you know you're going to lose at least 20 minutes of your life to their horrendous nonsensical attempts to handle your problem.  Then they'll bump you up to level 2 tech & finally, almost 40 tedious minutes later you'll be told, "Oh there seems to be an outage in you area, sorry... thanks for using Suddenlink,... good-bye, click"  Duh, there's an outage in my area, that's why I called.

Sorry for the rant, but where I am, there isn't much else for me to do but surf.  I can't afford to just go driving like I used to.  Going to see a movie is outrageous & 30 miles away.  So, this is it.  Then I get upset over this & my blood pressure gets elevated.  I hate Suddenlink.  Please let some other cable/internet company move into this area.  Suddenlink may be great in larger areas, but here they really suck.


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