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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get Tested...

There is no excuse not to get tested.  End of argument.  I know it can be scary.  Still, it's better to know & be able to start trying to do something about it, than not to know & possibly spread the virus farther.  Some people say they don't know where to get tested or there aren't any testing sites near them.  BS!  I live in podunk Oklahoma & there are several with 35 miles of me.  Go to & type in your Zip & there you have it, locations of area test sites.  

Last year the DMV in DC started offering screenings. Personally, I think this insurance crap should be handled so that having HIV is treated like any other disease.  Then they should simply require HIV tests for everyone.  I know, I know, personal liberties & all of that.  However, this disease is never going away until every one who has it is diagnosed, treated or dies.  So, whatever excuses you may have, they don't matter.
  • If you have had unprotected sex  
  • If you have partaken in IV drug use  
  • If you have had any medical treatment involving blood or needles
  • If you are exposed to bodily fluids due to work
All these are reasons to get tested.  Just do it.  Get tested.


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