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Monday, June 4, 2012

The Next Da Da Da...

Lately there's been a lot of talk about the next HIV.  What?!  There is only HIV.  Anything else, is something else.  I get what they're saying, but really?  The 2 main suspects are Chagas Disease & Zoonotic illnesses from eating monkeys & apes in Africa.  

These illnesses are serious, however they are not HIV & shouldn't be compared to them.  Doing so only detracts from the seriousness of HIV.  Unfortunately, it also associates the stigmas people have towards HIV to these other diseases which are not transmitted in similar manners.

Yes, these things do have the potential to spread as widely as HIV, but that doesn't make them HIV.   Saying they are alike is going to make some people think they know something about these other illnesses when they don't.  HIV is a communicable virus.  These others are based on exposure to a parasite &/or foodstuffs that should not have been consumed.

At this time, while there are variants of HIV, there is still only 1 HIV.


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