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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Good Bye June...

Today is the last day of the month, so long June.  This marks six months down & only six remaining in 2011.  This month is going out with a heat wave.  Most likely we'll top a 100 F again today.  We passed that for heat index by 10:00 AM.

It's hard to be into anything or do anything in that kind of heat.  We did some cooking this morning & that was about it.  Besides writing this & taking a shower, my tasks for the day are nearly finished.  

It looks as if the heat is heading right into July with no sign of it letting up.  The summer is already hard.  It's looking pretty dim for any chances of real rainfall.  The fields around our area, are just tinderboxes waiting for a spark.

Oh well, so long until next year, June


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