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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gulp, Gulp, Gulp...

Now that's the size of drink I need today & probably for the rest of the summer.  If you listen closely in my house right now, it won't take long for to discern some gulping.  Between my roomie, the cats or myself, there's a whole lot of gulping going on these days.

Soda, tea, iced coffee, kool-aid or water, we aren't picky when it's hot & it is hot.  This time of the year is weird, I can only stand air conditioning for so long before I need to go into the other room & let my head clear.  I'm the same way with most heaters during the winter months.

The heat kicks up the electric bill due to fans & the AC, but also many of the household appliances have to work harder to do their jobs.  The heat & humidity can turn my pills into unrecognizable globs & slightly re-hydrated tablets.  Neither is fun to try & take.

The forecast is for 96 F, but were almost there now & it's only noon.  Another day, another temperature record busted.  The previous record for today was 92 F, I bet we hit at least 97.  Oh well, thankfully the humidity  isn't as high today as it was yesterday.


Stay cool

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