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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Being Rational...

I mentioned yesterday, some of my lab results weren't all that wonderful.  I have to wait until next week to see the doctor.  Now I'm stuck trying to reason out why my numbers went wonky.  There are tons of reasons, but none of them are all that satisfying.

The first part of this year was not so hot for me.  I have had dental issues, weather issues, appliance & home issues.  This has been the season of breakage & debt.  I've spent way too much on some things I've needed & others that I didn't.

Now, it's time to act like a real grown up, Virgo & make a plan. I'm getting plans put together on the $ issues 
I can see, but that always leaves the ones lurking in the shadows, just waiting to pounce.  However, at this point, there is little I can do about my lab results, except wait.  I do not care for waiting.

By this point next Wednesday I will hopefully have some answers.  Until then I will just have to deal with things as they come.

Cya next time

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