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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bill Day...

Some credit card bills & the rent had already been handled, but today we did the rest of the bills.  It's always nice to know that they're paid off for the month.  Bills are stressors & once they're dealt wit, you get a little reprieve for a while.

I may have come up with an idea as to why my CD4 numbers were down.  I looked back through my blog entries & almost all of them leading up to my lab draws concerned fleas.  (Which BTW are still being a pain)  That is the time I really started spraying the inside of the house, dealing with flea shampoos/sprays for the cats & finally turned to the flea collars.  Apparently, all the above can make you sick or poison you.  That might have been what knocked my numbers.  Still have to wait & see what the Dr.'s have to say on the matter.

It's been hot the last few days, but not too bad, because the humidity was way down.  Yesterday 94 F actually felt like 94, instead somewhere in the 100's.  The days have been fairly easy with humidity in the low to mid 40% range.  Nighttime is another story altogether.  The last few nights have been rough, in the 70's F but the humidity was ranging from 75 - 85 %.  Sticky.  The high nighttime humidity is killing us & helping the fleas.  Just wonderful.

Until next time

Stay dry

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