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Thursday, June 23, 2011

They Lied...

For the past week, the weathermen in my area have been assuring us that the end of June would actually be pleasant in the low 90's F.  Hah, at best we will be in the mid 90's & probably closer to 100.  The humidity is a bit rough today.  Glad we got a lot work done yesterday.  Doubt we'll feel like it today.

I would love to find a weather person who could be at least somewhat accurate.  They're not even accurate when there's a tornado right outside the window.  I know I bitch a lot about the weather, but it's hard to plan things when you don't know what the weather is going to be like.  So I've developed my own modifiers to the summer weather forecast.

  • If it's hot & you want it to rain, subtract 20 -30 % from the predicted chance
  • If it's hot, add between  5 - 8 degrees of heat to the actual temperature of what they predicted
  • If they forecast a breeze, either there will be none or it will be a squall line of 50 mph winds
  • If you are in a fire hazard, expect lightening storms
  • If they promise rain, expect hail storms & possibly a tornado
  • If it does actually rain, expect a monsoon with accompanying flood waters
  • If the temperature is lower than expected, the air will feel like soup from the humidity
Those are my modifiers to the summer weather forecast.  I think if you want a good weather pattern to come into your area, you will probably have to sacrifice at least two lesser weathermen or the head meteorologist from a local station.  

Hope your weather is fairing better


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