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Friday, June 24, 2011

Slight Disgust...

The Virgo that I am, hates it when contest rules, aren't followed.  We have been watching So You Think You Can Dance.  We've watched at least part of every season.  I say part, because we have abandoned the show on several occasions.  There is only so much indulgence we can endure & Nigel Lithgoe has often surpassed it.

I'll stick with the current season.  Last week was mostly a variety or weak performances by the dancers & choreographers. Yet, some how the judges couldn't find any one worthy of sending home.  So, they broke their own rules & sent no one home.  Opting instead to send two sets of dancers home this week. 

The performances went off & surprise, surprise four of the bottom six people were in the bottom last week.  However this time they were joined by a set composed of a tapper & a ballroom dancer.  The other two sets must've felt safe when that couple was called.  The middle set had a Cha Cha & did so so.  The Tapper/Ballroom set had a Bollywood number & did so so.  But the last set had their own style & quite frankly were awful.

Who would stay?  We weren't sure who was staying,  but we knew who was going.  The tapper/ballroom couple was doomed, they always are on this show.  I guess tweens just can't grasp the concepts.  But we thought the Cha Cha set might be saved.  During the judge's reviews, Nigel praised the tapper pair & the Cha Cha'ers.  He criticized the other set. We thought we'd at least lose the weaker set, but that was not the case.  The weak couple who performed badly in their own genre.  The weak couple who the judges harshly critiqued.  That weak couple is somehow the one who got to stay.

Nigel should be lashed for inconsistency...

This has definitely enforced one thing in my mind.  Their are places where even if you can go, you probably shouldn't.  Tappers & ballroom dancers can go on this show, but they shouldn't.  They are never treated well & they never even get close to winning.  Ivetta was a multiple style world champion ballroom dancer & one of the first one's eliminated, because this show has no use for ballroom dancers.  

My disgust for this show is returning.  I'm not sure how much more of it I will tolerate, before I just say no more.  No more, SYTYCD... No more Nigel Lythgoe... No more Mary Murphy... No more Simon Fuller...

OK, my rant is done.


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