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Saturday, June 11, 2011


The yard process is underway.   It will not go quickly & most likely will have to be repeated at the end of the summer.  But plants grow & grow.  I am not a yard person.  I will never be yard proud.  I find that just way too much investment into something that means little, to nothing, to me.

The only reason I do the yard is to keep the clutter down.  The high weeds trap everything, including trash that got blown into the yard.   Mostly though, the weed clutter is a place for vermin to congregate & all vermin must die.  No fleas or mice allowed, thank you.

Mice, opossums, skunks, ground squirrels & the like all bring fleas. They also attract snakes & other predators.  So they must go by whatever means possible.  If I thought dynamite would solve the problem permanently, I'd be the one yelling, fire in the hole.  

I will be glad to get back to cooler weather & frosty times to kill off the vermin & the grass.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

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