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Friday, June 10, 2011


All things in life are economic to some extent, including us, our very lives.  We only have so much of anything:

  • Health
  • $
  • Time
  • Emotion
  • Tolerance
I don't like to admit this sometimes.  I can admit I only have some much $ & time, but the others are harder to deal with being in a limited supply.  Yesterday, I decided to get some yard work underway.  I only did a little bit of work spaced out over half an hour with a few breaks in the midst.  But, still I was exhausted & on the verge of being ill.

It sucks that I did that little & felt on the verge of being seriously ill.  However, those of the facts of my life at this point in time.  It was hot, sunny & I am ill.  All these factors curtailed my plans.  I will have to adjust my plans.   Most of what I have left is just some serious weed eating.  Luckily, I have a weed eater with a rechargeable battery.  I'm lucky in that the charge on that battery doesn't last very long.  I can do the weeding as long as it lasts & then I am done.  At least until it gets recharged.

Oh well, thus is life.

Happy trails & all that nonsense

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