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Monday, June 6, 2011

No Climate Change, huh...

Today, it is supposed to soar into the upper 90's F here in my area.  I'm not here to support the climate change argument one way or the other.  However, in the first week of June we have broken the high temperature record every day by at least five degrees.  It looks like today that the record of 87 F will get passed by over ten degrees.  These records have been established over the past 50 years or so.

This winter was hella cold & icy.  This summer is starting off searing.  We used to have four distinct seasons in Oklahoma.  Now we have two major seasons & two minor seasons;  Cold Wet, Cold, Hot Wet, Hot.  In my area, June used to be a fairly wet month.  It would seem those days are gone, at least for the time being.  

Even with all the rain Oklahoma & the rest of the south got, we are still in a drought.  The rains during the flood came down so quickly, the water had little chance to soak into the ground before running off downstream.  So here we are with a lot of heat, humidity & fire alerts.

Thankfully today may be hot, but so far the humidity is fairly low so things are tolerable.

Have a good day

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