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Monday, June 20, 2011

Shopping Day...

Nothing special this morning, just shopping.   Had to hit two stores & it took a while, so I'm a little sick of being around people in a retail setting.  Shopping is something you can rush through, but you shouldn't.  There are plenty of things you miss if you rush.  Did something go on sale?  Did they raise the price on that item, again?  Does that cost more here than there?  If so, is it enough of a difference to go to the other store?

I started at Walmart & ended at a local grocer.  On most things Wally World is less expensive, but not everything.  There's a  lot that Walmart no longer carries.  That fails to mention the  questionable quality of many Walmart products, especially in their produce section.

I won't go to the other store for just a couple of items, but today I needed quite a bit.  I raided the produce, the meat department, the deli & the frozen foods.  I was mostly there because Walmart had decided not to carry these items any longer & that their produce looked like it was on the verge of rotting.

In these times, pretty regardless of what you're talking about;  shopping. meds, diets, etc... you have to be well informed & have a good idea of what you actually need versus what they're trying to make you want. I am a good shopper, but that doesn't mean I like it.  In fact, it generally annoys me.  I don't like the games the stores play with you with pricing & product placement.  I am not a fan of most other shoppers.   I despise shopping around loud people.  Overall, shopping is not a past-time for me, it's just a necessity.

Oh well, it's done for now.

Cya next time

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