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Sunday, June 5, 2011


I read numerous blogs & articles a day & there is often a common theme, the inability of some people to just say, "NO."  For some reason, many of us have a hard time saying this word & we shouldn't.  This word can save you a lot of headache & an overload on your resources.

Time for economics 101, no matter who you are, you do not have unlimited resources.  This is especially true of your time, health & emotion.  There are only 24 hours in a day.  You can do no more than your health will allow you to do. As for emotion,  take this as stress level, level of fatigue or just the point where you get, that no matter how much you may wish to give a damn, you just can't/don't.

When you are asked to do something for someone, you seriously need to consider, can I do this?  How will this affect me?  Do I even have the time or resources to do this?  If not, then say, "No."   If the person gets upset, if you choose to, you can explain to them, that at this time, doing what they requested just isn't feasible for you or that you simply don't want to do it.   But really you don't owe them any explanation at all.

You are not obligated to do that much in life & if you find yourself constantly on the giving end of things & never on the receiving, then quit giving.  Believe me, it won't take long for the previous recipients to take notice. Life  isn't fair & it isn't always perfectly balanced, but it shouldn't be one-sided either.

There are ways for you to practice saying no, without facing anyone.

  1. You are not obligated to answer the phone.
  2. You are not obligated to answer the door.
  3. You are not obligated to answer any unsolicited email.
  4. You are not obligated to acknowledge any unwanted attention.
  5. You are not obligated to be "ON" 24/7.
Learning to say, "no" can help you relieve stress in your life.  If the people who always ask you to do things in your life start hearing no, then they might better select what to request of you.  Saying no, might actually free up some "you" time.  Saying no, might also get some people to stop looking at you like a welcome mat.  If for some reason some one in your life, won't take no for an answer, then you know who to get rid of, don't you?

Hope you all are staying cool

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