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Friday, June 17, 2011


Everything changes, it's just part of life.  Lately there has been a lot hoopla about changes:

  • Climate Change
  • Change to American Idol
  • DC Comics Reboot
  • X-Men Comics Retooling
  • Netflix site altering
I'm not here to argue about whether these changes are good or bad.  I am not even here to argue the why's of the matters.  I am just here to say that these changes are going to happen or have already occurred.  

The climate change is evident in my local weather.  June used to be a fairly wet & pleasant month month for Oklahoma.  Fear of being rained out was the big concern for sports events & outdoor weddings.  Now, it's can we play ball or have a wedding outdoors in 100+ F heat with a heat index 15 degrees higher?  

American Idol is a shadow of what it was in the beginning.  Judges have come & gone.  The formats have changed.  There will probably be more change in the upcoming 2012 season. Who will be judges?  Will they use AI for their own personal launching pad as Lopez & Tyler did?   Will there even be a season 11?

DC comics is doing a reboot of their universe.  It's a done deal.  The stories are written.  It is the beginning of a new era for that line of comics & it's characters.  Some people are screaming that they'll never read another comic from DC. Yeah, right.  How can you judge something that has yet to be published?

To add to the comic drama, Uncanny X-men is coming to an end after 40+ years.  The fight is no longer between Magneto & Xavier, now it's between Cyclops & Wolverine.  There will be two diverging story lines. Sounds interesting & definitely time for a change over there at Marvel.

Netflix keeps tinkering with their website.  They talk about it on their blog.  People scream about the injustices being down to them by these changes.  They scream that Netflix is the worse company ever & that the company doesn't care about the customer.  The fact is, the company cares about making $ & that's it.  Hello, capitalism.

The point to my rant to day is simple.  Things change, deal with it.  Complaining won't help.  Bitching won't solve your problems.  Changes will occur, that's that.

Cya & have a good day

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