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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sorta Sucky...

Again, not up to another long post.  Went to the dentist yesterday.  The drive was very tiresome.  Even with the AC on the car never got that cool.  I got behind every damn, I want to drive slow ass, in the world.   I left an hour early for my appointment.  It is only a 35 mile drive, yet I was almost late & the majority of the drive is on a 65 mph highway.

The appointment went alright for me, my roommate stayed out in the car & fried.  I finally got out & started getting ready to go.  She was hot & I was trying to hurry to get us on the road so the AC will actually do some good.  I put it in reverse & before you can "oh damn" there' a crash.  

I didn't see the car behind me when I got into my vehicle.  I don't know if the woman was backing out of a space or pulling into the lot, but I backed into her.  Luckily I was just idling out when we collided.  Not much damage that I could see, mainly just paint transfer & a couple of scrapes.  She said she'd been hit there before.

So I went back into the dentist office & copied the insurance papers & we went our separate ways.  I doubt the cops would've even came to a minor accident in a private parking lot.  Hopefully, she doesn't try to screw the insurance company.  Then it'll just come down on us.

Oh well, hopefully the rest of the week will be better,


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