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Monday, June 13, 2011

Back to the AC...

It is supposed to hit the upper 90's F today & we had some work to get done.  The humidity has been a bit high & the heat index will probably be well over a 100.  So the AC is back.

I am not a big fan of the AC.  Yes, it cools you, but it also sucks a lot electricity & does strange things to the air.  I realize it dehumidifies the air, but it also makes it somewhat difficult to breath.  I far prefer fresh air, but when it's hot, some things have to give.  Today's goal is simple enough, stay cool.

Two more days & I go see the doctor about the wonky blood work.  I'm probably going to be stressed when I get there & they'll go, did you know your blood pressure was high today?  Of course I did.  I came to the doctor's with weird lab numbers.  So yes, my BP is a little high.

Oh well, that's for Wednesday.  For now, I will just focus on the task at hand. Staying cool.

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