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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Angry Cats, It's Not A Game...

Today was the weekly spray down of the cats.  We have come up with a concoction that albeit doesn't kill off the fleas for good, does take out the ones on the cat & the eggs.  However, it stinks & they hate it with a passion.  They hate the sound of the sprayer, they hate being sprayed & most of all they hate the spray.  

The spray is a mix of about a half ounce of leave-on, instant kill, flea shampoo, a few drops of dawn dish washing soap, 3/4 cup of apple cider vinegar & topped off with water in a 24 ounce spray bottle.  The mix is not strong enough to instantly kill the fleas.  That ratio was too rough on the cats.  But this ratio will kill the fleas within an hour.  

The vinegar acts as an antiseptic & an anti-itch.  Usually before the spraying they are scratching.  Often at just places on their skin, because two of the cats have a flea allergy.  Once sprayed, they howl.  The vinegar does sting.  However, within a few minutes of the spraying, the cats calm down.  They often fall into a deep sleep.  Which is good, because the flea allergy often keeps them too itchy to sleep well.   

A few hours later, they come out, mostly dried & groomed.  They give us evil glares, but are for the most part calmed down & relaxed.  It isn't fun doing the spraying, but it's easier than full out bathing. It seems far less taxing on us & the cats to do the spraying.

Oh well, until next week, the spraying is over.


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