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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Things...

When I was younger, there were things we did that it seems aren't as popular today. Maybe it was the times or because there wasn't a lot of $ being spent on us kids. But, summer used to seem so full of fun & life, even if it was hot.

As kids, we'd spend our days going outside & playing outdoor games like four-square, tether ball or yard darts.  I wasn't that great at some of them, but it was fun.  When we got hot, we'd turn on the sprinklers & run through them until we cooled down.

On the rare days, when one of the older kids in the neighborhood was in a good mood, we'd head out.   We spend a lot of time swimming in the city pool & local swimming holes.  Sometimes we'd just go to the park & hang out there until it was time to go home.

If the adults got involved, we might actually venture out further & go camping.  This usually consisted of canoeing & tubing.  We'd spent the night in some make-shift get up & have a blast by the river until it was time to go home.

Some of my fondest memories were with my sister driving this old Plymouth.  Half the time we just drove aimlessly while listening to music & letting the air roar through the windows over us.  There was no AC, the car was cool from the wind.  She'd always hit the hills & send us soaring for a while.  Those few seconds of loft we're priceless & wonderful.

Throughout the summer, there'd be festivals, reunions, summer camps, contests at the library & picnics.  There'd be summer concerts in the park & fireworks on the fourth.  Then there'd be the fair. The fair was always a sign that things were winding down for the summer & school would soon start.  

No matter, what we did, the days almost always ended slightly after dark. We'd play hide & seek or chase lightning bugs well past dark.  We'd stay out there until someone called our names for us to come in for the night.  There were some good points to those times, even if it wasn't all roses & sunshine.

So, what was it like for you, way back then, when you were little, on a hot summer day?


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