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Friday, July 1, 2011

Hello July...

Dear July,

We have just left June & quite frankly I was not impressed.  The month was far from hospitable & brought a far amount of distress in it's wake.  I am looking forward to your presence, front & center.  Hopefully, your celebratory flavor can lift the mood.

June entered with storms in abundance.  There was flooding & tornadoes nearly everywhere you looked.  Then of course it allowed those pesky fleas to linger & annoy.   Then, as if just to add insult, my lab numbers were off considerably.  Add to that, a fender bender in a parking lot.  As if  we hadn't had enough already, there of course was the unrelenting heat, which is leading to fires.

Enough of that, we are now in July, I am certain things will be much more festive.  There is of course the Fourth of July, but Canada Day is already upon us.  What does one do for Canada Day?  Is it appropriate to give every one maple syrup & Canadian bacon in Canadian red baskets?

Oh well, never mind all that.  We're just happy to have you here, July.  


Someone sick of June

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