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Thursday, July 7, 2011

OMG...Is There No End...

That is the forecast for my area over the next ten days.  We've already beat today's forecast by a degree & it's only noon.  Right before noon, it was about 95 F & not that bad with the fans going.  Less than a half hour later it jumped to 101.  Fans or no fans, 101 is hella hot.

We are trying to shuffle some things in the house again.  The shuffling happens from time to time.  Usually when something has annoyed us just way too long. It started off easy enough, but once the heat set in, the ease vanished.  But, the shuffling continues & things find themselves in new locations or bound for new homes (the trash).

The shuffling may not be fun, but it is useful.  We get reminded of all the junk we have & are forced to decide whether or not it gets to stay until the next shuffling.   We get to clean in places without being restrained by the stuff that had been there before.  It's a real dust bunny-palooza.

For now, my part is over, but the roomie shuffles on in her room.  Good luck with that...

Until next time

Have a good day

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