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Friday, July 22, 2011

Blah De Blah...

Lately life has been as inspirational for me as a bowl of oatmeal.  There are the same old rants about politics, religion & weather.  I am dead tired of those things & so annoyed with the heat it isn't funny.  I keep telling myself , that this too shall pass.  OK, get to passing, already.

The cats languish across the floor like nearly dead lions.  It takes a physical threat to get them to move.  They show no interest in anything.  The outdoor cats are even less active, if that is possible.

Now the news is filled with jack-asses too juvenile to talk to each & revolve their issues so that the whole US budget thing can get resolved.  They don't have to worry about it.  Their checks will keep coming, even if the government shuts down.  

I am sick of the religious folks screaming about the gays, the politicians acting like damned saints & me being so worn out from the heat that I don't feel like doing anything.

This too shall pass - my mantra isn't working so hot right now.


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