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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Health Issue Hate...

The past bit has been really rough on my roomie & myself.  Neither one of us is all that healthy.  I hate that.  Summer used to be my favorite season & now I can't stand it.  Between being +,  my meds & probably somewhat due to age, this time of the year has become the part I dread.

As a kid, my summers were all about going to the park or swimming pool.  We'd play all day & only occasionally seek out a shade tree.  Those days are gone & I do hate it.  Now, the heat zaps me so much that doing even simple outdoor chores is a real hassle.

Add to that, we have been so unseasonably hot & dry here for the past few months.  Southeastern Oklahoma is becoming a factory for dust & fires.  I know that if I have my druthers, I'd much prefer to move north, at least during the summrers.

Cya later

Stay Cool

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