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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This Day Sorta Sucks...

I looked up today, to see the historic worth of July 19th.  This was not a good day for a lot of people.  I'll synapse the mess:

  • 64 AD Nero watched as Rome burned
  • 1333 AD Scots lose their independence to English forces
  • 1553 AD Lady Jane Grey was executed
  • 1692 AD Sarah Good was the first women accused & hung in the Salem Witch Trials
  • 1692 AD Susannah Martin was also accused & hung in the Salem Witch Trials
  • 1701 AD the Iroquois Tribe lose lands to English Forces
  • 1870 AD France declares war on Prussia
  • 1985 AD Val Di Stava Dam collapse occurs killing 268 people
  • 1989 AD United Airlines Flight 232 crashes in Sioux City, Iowa, Killing 112

I am sure there were some good things & even more bad, but those are the highlights of the bad that has happened on this day.  

For me, today, it is just another hot day in Oklahoma.  That list is also a reminder, that things could be a whole lot worse than they are.  An important thing to remember.


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