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Monday, July 25, 2011

Cleaning House...

I gather a lot of stuff in my cyber house.  I bookmark sites, add links & follow blogs.  At some point, it can all become a bit much.  So today, I decided to clear the cyber clutter some.

I am going through my bookmarks & links & see how many of them still actually work.  Then I'm asking myself, "When is the last time I even went there?"  I am giving the blogs a look over & seeing who updates, who doesn't & who does but I don't care.

I'm no where near done, but I've cleared out about half my bookmarks.  I had over fifty blogs on my watch list & now I'm down to just under twenty.  My browser is much easier to navigate now.

Your computer is just like your house.  It needs cleaning & maintenance.  It needs for you to clean out the system every once in a while.  It needs you to clean out the physical machine from time to time.  You need to organize & back up your files & bookmarks.  Having a cyber house is like having a physical house, it needs to be taken care of to perform well.

Cya, still have clearing to do

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