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Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's Saturday & Here's A List..

Here's a list of the things that I am looking forward to this Fall:

  1. To see the leafs change color
  2. The car not feeling like an oven when we get in it
  3. Better TV selection
  4. Children will back in school - woohoo!!!
  5. So the cats & I will feel better
  6. My roomie loves the Fall-Back of Day Light Saving Time
  7. I'll feel more like cooking
  8. I'll hear the high school band playing in the morning
  9. No more even considering mowing for a season
  10. I just identify with Fall more than the other seasons
What are you looking forward to this Fall, or Autumn, if you prefer?  I realize our friends below the equator are actually looking into Spring, so what will you look forward to in you next season?


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