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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Show Is Over...

Last night, there was the typical display of fireworks in my area.  The neighbors did their thing & sitting from my porch, you could see the city display.  It was pretty & all that, but also noisy & pissed off the cats.  But, for now it's over & all that is left, is to clean up the mess.

The 4th was never that big a deal to me.  My family wasn't particularly political or patriotic, so those parts of the holiday were lost on me.  I like to look at the fireworks, but I don't have to be the one to light them, so I'm not into buying them.  

I guess the best thing about the 4th is watching little kids as the roman candles & fountains go off in bursts of wondrous colors.  Those are the few times that I think most kids still get to be children.  Wonder is a commodity suffering from a severe lack of supply these days.  People act like there is wonder in their lives, but there isn't.  That's just temporary surprise.  True wonder, well that just can't be faked.

For those instances when children find wonder is why I try not to gripe at the holidays too much.  To destroy wonder is an unforgivable crime.    With so little of the awe in our world, it's no wonder why so many of us are depressed.  It's no wonder why we try everything we can to fill the holes in our lives.  But, wonder can't be bought, it can only be experienced. 

Here's hoping you have a wondrous moment in your day


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