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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Sixth

Today is the six month anniversary of this blog.  Woo hoo, happy me.  I wonder what I should get myself for a present.  Any way, I am just happy to have stayed with this process this long.  Actually, I'm sort of surprised. So what have I learned in the last six months.

  • I've learned that the thing about bad stuff happening in threes is BS.  Three is just the minimum
  • I've learned that the times of nice summers in Oklahoma are lost to history
  • I've learned that my BS skills are still high enough to come with something to write everyday
  • Its seems that this blog allows me to focus some of my energies better
  • I've had reinforced this year that things come to an end & that's OK.  I've started a few other things this year  & I have come to a point where it is, or is about to be, time to let them end & I'm fine with that.
The earlier part of this year was rough in many regards & this so far this summer has been no fun at all.  I started on Facebook this year & Sodahead.    I'm not giving up on Facebook, but I am letting go of some of the things I do on the site.  The same will probably soon be true for Sodahead.  They we're fun & diverting, but their time is coming to an end. It's time to try other things.

I am choosing to look at this biannual event as a place of endings & new beginnings.  No sense in waiting for January first.


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