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Friday, July 8, 2011

Not So Hot...

I am not going to type much today.  Don't let the title mislead you, because the temperature is still soaring & it's about 100 F here at noon.  I am what's not feeling so hot today.  Yesterday, the heat came on like an inferno out of nowhere.  It was OK at one moment & thirty minutes later it was unbearable.  

We were doing some light housework when it hit.  I had been feeling fine & then it was like hitting a brick wall.  The heat overwhelmed me & I had to stop.  I sat for a few minutes & then it really began.  My meds react to light & heat.  My stomach was throwing a fit.  So I was feeling nauseous & headed to bathroom.  I spent a lot of time in the bathroom yesterday with heat induced diarrhea.

Fun topic, I know, but it is the reality of being on my meds in this heat.  I was drinking anything I could to keep hydrated.  The AC was on, but I was melting for for the next several hours.  I wasn't until much later that my body calmed down.  I could finally eat something.  I was beginning to feel normal.

When I got up this morning, I felt the after effects of yesterday's illness.  I was dehydrated, sore & still sort of nauseous.  I am starting to feel better as the day goes on, but the heat is already on us.  There won't be much getting done today.


Hope you're all doing well

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