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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Should It Stay Or Should It Go Now....

My roomie & are both somewhat freaked out by the televisions shows about hoarding.  So, we constantly analyze our clutter levels.  Not wanting to become some freakish people who could wind up on a TLC show.

When I was living in the college dorms, this was easy.  You had to move every semester or two.  This gave you ample motivation to strongly consider lightening your load.  It was easy to bring a trash can in & sort what goes with me or goes to the garbage.  Considering I usually moved solo, I was greatly motivated to rid myself of things.

However, when you "grow up" & somewhat settle into an adult routine in a sort of sedentary life, things change.  That's when things start to accumulate.  It starts slow & you don't notice.  First there's a junk drawer, then there's a junk room, then you need a storage barn.  Of course you're not staying as organized as you could, so you fail to remember that you already have five rolls of scotch tape at home  or that you have two brand new pairs of jeans that have fallen into the back of the closet.  Too bad the jeans were for two sizes ago.

One day you look up & OMG what happened?  What happened doesn't really matter.  What matters is what are you going to do about it?  It's time to drag out the trash bins & decide the fate of everything in your house.  Will it stay or will it go elsewhere?  Start small, with a shelf or a closet.   Consider each item.  When did I last use that?  Will I ever use that?  Can someone else use that?  Or, is it just trash?

I don't get rid of everything.  I keep copies/extras of things, but I do it on purpose, not because I forgot we already had one (mostly).  It's good to keep extras for your computer needs, batteries, cleaning supplies, or anything else you frequently use or that is prone to break.

Doing this will give you a great time to clean places you wouldn't normally be able to get to.  Hint, dust stinks. Getting dust out of your house takes out a lot of the smell factor.  This process will give you back  your life & it is very liberating.  Don't believe me, give it a whirl.  You will be amazed at the change in your house & how you feel about being in it.


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