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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lab Chase...

I got labs drawn today.  Normally, this isn't a big deal, but today there were things going on to make it a bit more challenging.  This time around I had to get a fasting lipid panel.  This means no food or meds until after the blood is drawn.  Which in turn puts me behind for the rest of the day, considering the meds I take in the morning have to be taken an hour before I eat.

I dropped my order off at the doctor's office yesterday & had planned on picking it up this morning so I could go up to the hospital & have my labs done.  Little did I know that my doc had gotten himself a new nurse who was unfamiliar with my routine.  I arrived this morning & to find no lab order.  Luckily , my doctor was doing rounds at the hospital.   So I chased him down in a part of the hospital I've never seen before to the script. 

Then there was a new person in outpatient services who was being  VERY thorough in the details of her job.  Never mind I've filled out this paperwork 100's of times before.  Never mind that they have my insurance card copied & my photo ID.  Let's just make this take another 20 minutes or so, OK.  Finally,  I make it to the lab, get blood draw & get the hell out of there.

I got home about an hour later than I thought I would.  Now, I'm playing catch up.  That's all for now.


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