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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Don't Think So...

For years the approach to HIV prevention was education, promotion of condom use & screening.  Recently, I've been noticing a tread in articles that are promoting, "Treatment as prevention."  Hmmm...

The idea is that if an infected person is identified as + sooner, there will be less damage done to their body & a lower risk of transmission of the virus to their partners.  I'm not arguing that people who have undetectable levels of the virus are less likely to transmit HIV.  I'm saying that there are some points here that are iffy.

  1. Why should a person get tested if not for the educational aspects of AIDS prevention?
  2. Most of the data I've seen on not transmitting to their partners was based on heterosexual couples & at this time MSM are still a higher transmission group.
At the bottom line I think some group is getting more $.   Treatment as prevention is a lopsided argument.  Treatment without prevention will never end AIDS.  I don't think this should be an either/or argument.


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