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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Another Hot One...

We're already at 99F & it's just after Noon.  The forecast calls for 108.  Unfortunately, humidity is hanging on as well.  This increase in the heat is causing a lot of changes in the house.  We're having to turn the AC on earlier & keep it on longer.  We're having to leave more fans on at night just to sleep.  This isn't helping the cats' eye issues.

I'm having to alter my exercise again.  I was doing outside steps at noontime as well as the morning.  That won't be possible for me when it's already over 95 out there & has a heat index of at least 10 degrees higher.  That heat mixed with the humidity is more than I can deal with, it's hard just to breathe in that mess while I'm exercising.  Adjustments will have to be made.

We try to eat well, but with this heat, cooking is less than pleasant.  So there have been a lot of TV dinners.  They aren't the best for you, but it's hard to muster the will to cook anything substantial during the summer. August isn't even here yet & I'm ready for late September.


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