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Saturday, May 19, 2012


I am not a fan of yesterday.   I allowed myself to think the series of breakages would be confined to April. HAH!  Yesterday was stressful because a standard thing with the car turned into a big thing.  A $600 thing.  We don't need that.  But, here it is.  I'm not sure how we'll deal with it but I'm sure we will.  The problem is with the AC & after last summer I can't say I'm surprised it's on the fritz.  The van is a 2001 & in car years that's 12 years old.  Some things are bound to break.

Still, yesterday sucked & it drained the life out of my day.  I did not need to hear that then or ever for that matter.  It seems that everything around me is in a constant state of breakage & I'm really tired of it.  It's stressful & I don't need anymore stress in my life.  It messed with everything yesterday.  Yes, I know, I let it mess with everything.  But I'm way past that last straw.

To top it off, the cat I took in to have the hole in his head fixed go into another fight & has another gash on his head.  This time he's on his own.  I don't have the $ to deal with it again.  Heaven knows what else is going to break this year.  So much for getting anything I wanted done for myself this year.  I know I'm whining, but I'm really just tired of this crap.   Something is going to have give.  I'm still processing yesterday, fleas & cat crap.  Hopefully I'll be in a better place tomorrow.  This last week has sucked.


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