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Friday, May 11, 2012

Running Slow & Late...

I have a morning routine & I usually get up between 7:40 & 8:00 in the morning.  Until recently I've just been getting up & feeding the cats, getting myself around & looking at the net before I go & get breakfast around or go do errands.  Lately though I've had to add things that are slowing me down.

Now somewhere between 8 & 9:30 I am trying to fit in:

  • Bathroom, brush teeth, clean face, etc...
  • Feed cats & clean up their messes
  • Get my tea & other beverages ready for the day
  • Plug in the phones to charge
  • Deal with outdoor cats
  • Clean up flea traps & vacuum the house
  • Do about 7 minutes of exercise
  • Look at my email, newsgroups, Facebook etc...
  • Figure out what to have for breakfast
& that fails to include anything impromptu or unexpected.  Between all this & the fact that some mornings I move at the amazing speed of a snail, I've run out of time.  Something will have to give or I will have to get up earlier.  I don't want to opt for getting up earlier, I need my sleep.  Something will have to give & it won't be my early morning me-time.  Unfortunately all the est of it seems to be pretty necessary too.

The problem with all of this rushing around in the morning is that it frustrates me & leads into a crappy mood for the day.  Oh well, I'll figure out something.  I just don't need the stress of it. It puts my whole day off kilter.


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