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Saturday, May 26, 2012

This article, HIV 101:  discusses prevention.  Great topic, but really do we still need that nowadays?  It's be 30+ years.  Unfortunately, we do.  

As a teen of the 80's, it baffles me, I can vividly recall the AIDS ads & PSA's.  They were every where & it was a bewildering at first, like some foreign movie that needed translating.  Then it got scary.  These ads were every where you looked.  I remember them as clearly as I do the space shuttle Challenger disaster, new wave hair & mall rats.

Those ads held on into the 90's, still just as troubling.  HIV was the new boogeyman, the new divine wrath, whatever it was, it was killing people & would kill you as well if you got it.  If  you did get it, you might as well party til you drop, cause none of the meds really worked.

Then, somehow, we became complacent.  We adapted to the horror of HIV & it was no longer feared.  Some even embraced it.  Others thought, so what if I catch it, there are better meds now.  People complained about the PSA's & ads until they all but vanished.

30 years later, we're still having to tell people how HIV is spread.  Still telling them to use condoms & not to share needles.  Having to convince them, HIV is just a virus, not some divine judgement.   The boys in the band may have hit that perfect beat, but the world stuck its head in the ground & played dumb.  This is one time when ignorance will deadly, not blissful.

How many times must be say this?


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