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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish...

This article deftly uses the saying in the pic above.  It's about someone who will pinch every penny & take the cheapest route only to pay more in the long run.  It's like buying a $20 pair of shoes that will last 3 months or buying a $60 pair that will last for 5 years.  The 1st pair may initially cost less, but in the long run you'd have to spend $400 to get equal wear to the 2nd pair.  You'd spend $340 more in order to save $40.  Silly, isn't it.

But that's exactly what Illinois plans to do to save $.   Their governor has proposed a plan to cut spending on HIV to save $ in his state.  He might very well save some in the short time.  However, when all of this falls apart & the HIV that was left untested & untreated spreads like wildfire, the real bill will come due.  Trying to save $ but cutting HIV spending, is like trying to douse a fire with gasoline.

I'm really not trying to slam anyone here, but it does seem like the hetero-normative, straight, HIV- people in power are about dense as you can get.  They are willing to put their agendas above the needs of public health.  Maybe it's their approach to population control, after all they don't support birth control, Planned Parenthood or abortions.  I think the real problem here is these politicians just don't give a damn about anyone other than their own & to hell with everyone else.  Even if it means damning the whole population.  I'm really getting tired of the cutting off my nose to spite my face mentality that is so pervasive in politics these days.


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