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Saturday, May 12, 2012

More Of The Same...

When it rains, it pours.  At least this article over discrimination has a better ending.  This document covers 2 separate incidents in which people were denied medical treatment due to their HIV status.  These + people were disallowed proper care all because they were +.  Guess what docs, there's this little thing called the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) that not only prohibits such behaviors, it also includes HIV + people.

The Department of Justice leveled suits at both & the two medical institutions came to settlement with the suits.  This type of behavior will not be tolerated.  That's what this outcome said.  While there were monetary damages, the damage to these establishments credibility was probably a bigger blow.

Again, even though we're seeing a more positive ending, there was still the need for it to progress to a legal matter in the 1st place.  1 of these medical professionals was a chiropractor.  How in the world did treating a + person via chiropractic manipulation endanger the doctor, staff or business?  Answer, it didn't.  The doctor was either being ignorant, an ass or both.  The chiropractor didn't even have the nerve to tell the client face to face the clinic would no longer treat him.  Instead he hid behind a subordinate.  


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