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Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Weekend...

It's Memorial Day Weekend & everyone from Cartoon Network to Military Supporters are telling us how to spend our time.   To hell with that.  If you are going to spend to memorializing fallen soldiers, then more power to you.  But, someone shouldn't force you to pay homage you weren't already going to, that's just hypocrisy.

Maybe you'll spend your time at work, or with friends/family.  Maybe you won't even notice the day.  That's up to you.  I think there are a lot more important things going on right now than having to worry about someone being mad at you over how you spent your Memorial Day Weekend.

If on Tuesday someone asks you, "Did you spend your weekend honoring dead soldiers?"  By all means say yes.     They most likely don't even care in you did, they just want a head count.  If you tell them no, then you'll hear about it all day.   These people don't really care about the truth, they just want an illusion they feel included in.

For me & mine, we'll do the SOSO.  Oh & watch gimp kitty's eye.  She messed it up again.  Woohoo, another trip to the vet.  This cat is determined to go blind.

Have a great weekend, whatever you're doing...


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