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Monday, May 21, 2012


The pic of above may not have anything to do with HIV, but it makes a very relevant point in HIV research.  While true the majority of + people are male, women are still highly underrepresented in these medical studies. This article gives some more specifics.  The point is simple, we need more women involved with HIV studies.  We need for women of color in these studies.  Of the women who do contract HIV, a large part of the population are not White.

Some may say, OK, women metabolize meds differently & may even have different reactions to the meds than men, but does it really matter whether or not we take into account racial background?  Yes, it does matter.  It matters because some of these racial stocks have differing health histories & ailments that are more common among their groups than in Caucasians.  That doesn't take into account the environmental factors these other women may have in their lives.

I fail to see why it is so hard for researchers to understand that women need to be included in medical studies that will affect them.  Maybe this article & others like it will  move researchers enough to include more women in their efforts.


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