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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

OMG! Finally April Is Over...

Finally, we're into May.  This is a little OT, but oh well.  April has been a stressful month of screw-ups & breakage.  I can only hope May will be better.  What happened in April?

  • The car's fuel pump went out - $300
  • Ruffian Cat got an infected hole in his head - $100
  • Roomie's computer needed a transplant - $150
  • Alice Cat had an eye issue - $70
  • Misc expenses incurred while getting these things fixed - $50
That's nearly $700 in additional expenses.  I hate April.  Those numbers are just the $, not the time & stress. I don't need another stressful month like that, it's bad for my health.  So long April 2012, hello May.


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