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Monday, May 28, 2012


I just posted about the warming trend in the weather.   This morning was the 1st time I really took note of it though.  The days have been warmer & the nights, a lot more humid.  The morning light is peaking through my window around 5 AM.  Yuck...

I've been waking up earlier due to the light & humidity.  This is messing with my sleep schedule & the amount of rest I'm actually getting.  As the heat cranks up, the fans go on.  This combo of heat & moving air is dehydrating me like jerky.  I wake up with a head ache that should be reserved for the morning after a hard party night.  

I'm doing my best to stay as cool & hydrated as possible.  For now, I'm adjusting to the hotter weather.  To think Summer used to be my favorite season.  Not any more.  Now it's hot, buggy & infested with screaming, bothersome children.  Strange thing is they won't let you call Terminex on those little hellish vermin.

Remember to stay hydrated & cool.


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