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Sunday, May 20, 2012


I'm not talking about articles.  I'm talking about something most people don't tell + people when they're diagnosed.   HIV not only takes a toll on you physically, it can knock the hell out of you mentally.  HIV can leave you stressed, tired & weakened.  A prime place to become angry, exasperated or depressed.  

This last couple of months has been very taxing on my household.  Last summer's hellish heat  is still making itself known in some of the breakage we're facing.  It's been one thing after another & this proverbial shit storm shows no signs of ebbing soon.  

I can't tell you how to fix this matter.  For one thing, I don't think you can fix it. For another, it's different for everyone.  The best I can do is try to refocus.  To get as many stressful things out of my life as possible. To remember that I am tired & frustrated.  If you're into counseling, then this might be the time to go.  If not, you need to realize half of what you're feeling may be due to exhaustion & illness.

To me, this is the hardest part of HIV, the emotional hell it can play in your life.  I hate the diarrhea & the alopecia, but I can deal with them.  I hate being tired & feeling weak, but I can get by.  It's the frustration & irritation that are the hardest to deal with on a day to day basis.  Sorry, but I really don't have any answers for you on this one.  But I can tell you, it's not just you.  Hopefully, you can find others near you going through the same thing. 


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