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Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I've got stuff to do this afternoon that might run long so this will be brief.  Over the past several days I've had links to & discussed some articles over negative things.  I could continue, I saw one today about a 4 year old boy from New Zealand who was ejected from his daycare because he was +.  Never mind he he was born with it or that he is under treatment or the fact he is highly unlikely to transmit HIV to anyone.  No, the daycare management decided to show their asses & base their decisions on fallacies.

However, before the onslaught of nastiness, I was going over articles concerning the advancements in the medical realm regarding HIV.  Even though most of these were done by greedy, big Pharma, they were still better than the blind, willful ignorance embraced by people in those discrimination articles.  Imagine that a $ grubbing mega corp is friendlier than a neighborhood daycare worker.  Just goes to show, prejudice is right in front of you.  At least Pharma sees + people as a source of $.  


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