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Thursday, May 24, 2012

HIV & Psych...

No pic today, but the article is interesting.  The article states that for many people diagnosed with HIV today, one of the most important factors to consider is the psychosocial  aspects of the patient's life.  How does this person relate to their social environment & what impact does that ecology have on them?  

For people in more stable environments, treatment has fewer complications & is often more successful.  The opposite is often true if the person views his/her environment as dubious, inhospitable or even dangerous.  A person who has a loving home-life with people who support them through their treatment is going to better than someone living on the streets with a drug addiction.  The person trying to hide their status won't fair as well as those who are open about it at least with some people in their lives.

Support & acceptance are as important as $ & meds in being treated for HIV.  Why bother if no one cares?  Why bother if you have nothing to look forward to?  Those without support or reasons to look forward are going to have a rougher time with treatment.  Every time some asshat makes a comment against HIV people or wants to cut HIV funding, these people may feel directly targeted.  This type of thing can weaken their resolve to stay on a treatment.regimen.  These people have enough going on without insensitive jerks piling more on.


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