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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Haute Couture T-Cells...

This article discusses research started in the 90's concerning the application of gene therapy in a wide range of ailments; Cancer, Leukemia, HIV...  The article is quite promising.  Albeit, at this time, it doesn't provide an outright cure, it does bring more hope & direction.  

It showed progress in fighting these illnesses. Again, they did so by introducing something that would strengthen the body & not weaken it.  This assists the body's own systems & defenses.  The T-Cells are modified, but still part of the person's natural immune response, unlike other medications, chemo or radiation.

I know it's strange to say that studies started in the 1990's are still in development, but this type of research takes time, diligence & access.  Doing medical research is not only costly, it is also filled with monumental levels of red-tape.  Still, here's to designer T-Cells & what good they yet do.


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