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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

+ Girls...

This article talks how lesbians are at high risk for HIV.  There isn't a lot of info on HIV transmission & lesbians.  This has led a lot of women to believe their sexual activities were safe or at least safer.  This is not the so.  This is a case of missing information.  So much of HIV has been focused at males, especially males who have sex with males, people with multiple partners, drug users & the like, that the focus on lesbians has been left out almost entirely.

Lesbians are at high risk for HIV.  Any activity that can transmit the virus vaginally or anally can transmit it orally.  Shared toys are also capable of spreading the illness.  This is just another case of a marginalized group being overlooked.  Without the proper info, a lot of women probably thought they were out of the woods, only to later be diagnosed as being +.  

Sex can always transmit HIV.   Even if the chance is utterly remote, there is still a chance.  The only safe sex is in your fantasies.  I was about to say cyber sex is safe, but you could still get a computer virus.


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