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Thursday, May 31, 2012

They Call Them Cracks...

I call them sinkholes.  This article discusses something I've mentioned before.  The farther you are away from the "norm" or socially desirable, the less apt you are to get help.  Rates of HIV average 3X higher in Latino communities & 7X higher in Black communities in comparison with White communities.  Everything that can be used to describe you that isn't utterly mainstream puts  you at risk in the realm of HIV.  Risk of not being  educated, not being screened/tested & not having access to resources to get survive the illness.

It's like being back in school & someone's picking teams for dodgeball in P.E.  All those things they used not to pick you then are the same things that are holding you back now.  I guess by that reasoning the worst thing you could be is a heavy-set, unattractive, lesbian, African-American, female who practices some non-Christian religion & is poor.  Oh yeah & she dresses funny too.  I'm not trying to make light of this, but I am trying to make a point.  The people with the resources seem to be mostly interested in saving those like themselves or those they think most deserve their pity.  Nothing new.


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