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Monday, May 14, 2012

Prevention Pill...

It looks like Truvada will be available as a preventative. The FDA is moving for it to be accepted & this will allow the med to be sold to HIV- people as a means to stop transmission of the virus.  Funny, I thought that was what condoms were for.

I get what they're trying to do here.  They say they're trying to prevent HIV.  To me it seems like they're trying to make more $.  What insurance agency is going to pay for a med you don't actually need?  A med you only need due to risky behavior.  We aren't talking about giving this to medical staff that might potentially become infected.  We're talking about people who engage in unsafe sexual practices.  This med costs $10,000+ a year.  That's a huge investment.  Who's going to pay for that?  The state, the individual, insurance...?  

Add to this that this drug comes with a host of reactions like all HIV meds.  These aren't easy to deal with.  This med must be taken consistently as prescribed for it to be effective.  Not doing so, could not only render it ineffective, it could lead to viral resistance.  That resistant HIV could then be shared with others.

At this point in time, with the meds as they are, with the costs as they are & the dangers as they are, I can honestly say I do not support this approach to HIV prevention.  Not that anyone would listen to me.  But that's my opinion.


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