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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mice Schemes...

My plans went awry alright.  Even now as a + person for over a decade, I sometimes still have trouble making plans as such.  I still see in my mind what a normal person my age could do, my efforts to meet these achievements often leave me frustrated & exhausted.  

I'm not frustrated today, but I am very winded.  The shrubs in the yard needed a serious whacking & a whacking they got.  They look like a blind barber gave them a splotchy high & tight.  I'm OK with that though, the bushes will fill back out over Summer, only to need another whacking in the Fall.

There are several clusters in the yard & I'd planned for 3 days of whacking & a day of clearing the mess.  But I got ambitious today & thought I can do more.  Hah!  I didn't even try.  I figured the bushes in the backyard would take me about 30 minutes.  Here comes the mouse plans.  The wicked Virginia Creeper has attempted a come back, nasty stuff.  It doubled my time to get through the backyard.

Then the exhaustion hit.  There are many things about HIV I hate, like the diarrhea & alopecia.  But, I think I may hate the unpredictable fatigue more than anything.  I was going OK.  I knew I wasn't going to do anymore, I'd just finish what I had & take the tools inside for the day.  Didn't happen.  I nearly dropped like a rock.  I had to go in & get my roomie to retrieve the tools.  Again HIV has screwed with my plans.  Hopefully tomorrow will go better.


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